Kung Fu Kitty Kloth

Kung Fu Kitty: Laying Down the Law blue t-shirts, professionally silkscreened in many sizes

Babies - 6M, 12M, 18M

Youth - 2T, 3T, 4T, S, M

Ladies - XS, S, M, L

Men - S, M, L, XL

Tell us which size you prefer when placing your order.

14" Kung Fu Kitty: Laying Down the Law pillow with washable zippered cover

Kung Fu Kitty: Laying Down the Law Book release poster, 11 x 17 inches, sent rolled in cardboard tube

Kung Fu Kitty red t-shirts, professionally silkscreened in many sizes

Babies - Newborn, 6M, 12M

Youth - 3T, 4T, XS, S

Ladies - XS, S, M, L

Men's - S, M, L, XL

Tell us which size you prefer when placing your order.


Natural canvas tote bag, 15x16 inches, with Kung Fu Kitty book cover design silk-screened in black ink: Kung Fu Kitty on front, dragon on back.

Buy the Kung Fu Kitty move poster

11 x 17 inches, sent rolled in cardboard tube

The Kung Fu Kitty Mannequins

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