All The Little Ways
Release date: 12/01/2006
Abaton Book Company is proud to announce the release of All The Little Ways, the debut CD by Utah born, California raised singer/songwriter Corbi Wright. Whether performed on a 1926 Knabe grand piano or a 2006 Fender Telecaster, Corbi Wright's songs shimmer with a celestial glow. Otherworldly yet warm and immediate, this music contains such seemingly contrasting elements as the mellowness of 70s pop, the starkness of American plain song, the quaint charm of ragtime and the plucky twang of country-western. Wright delivers her magic slight of hand, through subtle, sophisticated lyrics self-accompanied almost effortlessly. Her simple chord progressions and pregnant pauses act as a melodic line to create the secondary sympathetic voices that haunt this album. There is a definite Laurel Canyon sound to All the Little Ways, though Wright's musical palette is rather contrary to that of her California singer/songwriter predecessors. This release will be of particular interest to fans of artists like Bridget St. John, Judee Sill, Dusty Springfield, Jackie DeShannon and Karen Carpenter.
Blessed with an angelic voice that brings to mind both the folky harmony of Joni Mitchell and the husky jazz of Norah Jones, she doesn't need much to keep an audience mesmerized. ...Wright pens songs that are simple yet lovely ballads that evoke the kind of wintry, I-just-got-back-from-the-cold-and-want-to snuggle-with-someone-here-for-a-while type of imagery. -Stephanie Laemoa, San Francisco Bay Guardian
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-review of 'Bang Bang Bang' cdr by Aquarius Records 'Very few people have the capacity to sound like seasoned pros when playing live on college radio, but singer-songwriter Corbi Wright does. Blessed with an angelic voice that brings to mind both the folky harmony of Joni Mitchell and the husky jazz of Norah Jones, she doesn't need much to keep an audience mesmerized. Accompanied mainly by acoustic guitar or the string instruments of her friends, Wright pens songs that are simple yet lovely ballads that evoke the kind of wintry, I-just-got-back-from-the-cold-and-want-to snuggle-with-someone-here-for-a-while type of imagery.'
-Stephanie Laemoa, 'Eight Days a Week' San Francisco Bay Guardian 'You know how I feel about those things I feel strongly about. Strongly. And you know what I'm talking about when I say that I know what I'm talking about. Do I have to spell it out for you? Maybe I should. The wonderful Vetiver? You know you first heard of them here years ago when I gave them their first press and described their self-released cd as "the best demo ever". Admit it. Now look at them. And Joanna Newsom? Same thing only different. My ears are perking again. Here is Corbi Wright's first solo release. It's tiny. Four songs. Short ones. Undeniably real stuff. Just a girl and her guitar. And the best songwriting I've heard since those aforementioned locals. Well, anyways, I found something really really good. And I know what I'm talking about. Keep your ears open.'
-review of 'Hi Guyz' cdr by Alice Kenner, Luna Kafé Corbi Wright &
Tour poster for the Corbi Wright & Sharon Van Etten 2007 tour. June 4, 2006 @ pianos new york, ny w/ emerald tablets June 11, 2006 @ pianos new york, ny w/ dave cuomo June 15, 2006 @ painos new york, ny w/ matt bauer June 25, 2006 @ pianos new york, ny w/ marianne nowottny July 14, 2006 @ the cake shop new york, ny w/nick castro july 18, 2006 @kusf san francisco, ca w/ deejay shmeejay July 18, 2006 @the hemlock san francisco,ca w/whsyps+ September 15, 2006 @shaker museum chattam, ny December 31, 2006 8:00P House show in Murfreesboro, TN w/ Sharon Van Etten and The Locust Cloud, Murfreesboro, TN January 2, 2007 8:00P Nashville, TN w/ Sharon Van Etten , Hands Down Eugene, & the Carter Administration, Nashville, Tennessee January 3, 2007 8:00P Chattanooga, TN @ the Black Sheep w/ Sharon Van Etten and Matt Bohannon, Chattanooga, Tennessee January 4, 2007 8:00P Florence, AL @ Black Owl Trading Co. w/ Sharon Van Etten and the Wednesdays, Florence, Alabama January 6, 2007 8:00P Savannah, GA House show w/ Sharon Van Etten January 9, 2007 8:00P New Orleans, LA New Orleans, Louisiana
January 10, 2007 8:00P Houston, TX w/ Sharon Van Etten @ the Proletariat Houston, Texas January 11, 2007 8:00P Austin, TX w/ Sharon Van Etten @ Jesse's Bed & Breakfast Austin, Texas January 15, 2007 8:00P Phoenix, AZ w/ Sharon Van Etten @ the Trunk Space Phoenix, Arizona January 19, 2007 8:00P Long Beach, CA w/ Sharon Van Etten and Joe Allen, Long Beach, CA January 21 2007 8:00P San Francisco, CA @ Surf Shop w/ Sharon Van Etten San Francisco, California
January 21 2007 8:00P San Francisco, CA @ The Hotel Utah w/ Sharon Van Etten San Francisco, California
January 23 2007 10:00 San Francisco, CA KUSF 90.3 w/ DJ Schmeejay and Sharon Van Etten
8:00P San Francisco, CA @ The Hemlock Tavern w/ Sharon Van Etten and Beth Custer San Francisco, California
Sharon Van Etten
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